sticky indulgences

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A life less exciting...

Whilst waiting for the builders to arrive on Sunday I took the opportunity to review our church's website, one of the many tasks on my "to do" list. I was missing church, so why not do some church business. I looked at all the links and have decided that a large proportion of them we can do without! There are some to add including a certain annual Festival occuring over August Bank Holiday... I have also been reminded just how awful my photo is on there and I need to make it a priority to get it replaced pdq! Result was that got review done (only one who did so by Oversight meeting Mon eve - smug, moi?) and even started loading rubble into the skip until back started to complain. Then rang builders to find out they weren't coming after all. Highlighted one of the disadvantages of being x-directory; work have decided I don't need a mobile so cut it off and Alan only had that number. Afternoon was thrilling visit to Tesco's - can it get any better I hear you cry? Well, if you call tackling the ironing in the evening, then the answer has to be in the affirmative! This week is shaping up as busy, only out every evening with meetings and the off on Friday to Yorkshire - hurrah! A weekend with fab friends, a modicum of alcohol and no kids!! Bring it on.


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