I'm knackered!
'Tis only 21:43 on a Thursday evening, but I have had to stop before I fall off my scaffold board! This week has comprised of filling, rubbing down, painting and then more filing etc etc. In my spare time I have also demolished the lean-to and filled a skip (more of this on another blog). Suffice to say progress is being made. teh council chap came round for what was hopefuly the final inspection to inform us we needed an electric extract fan in the loft bathroom - why they couldn't have told us that before when we still could have installed it easily heavens knows. When questioned why we needed one, he said to get rid of condensation when showering - I opened the window, but he wasn't to be moved. I even protested that it wasn't on the plans to which he replied you used "* & *" and they often miss things off the plans! Have you ever tried threading a collapsible tube from the outside of a facia board over the top of two layers of insulating board to a hole cut in the ceiling that is not over the bath? It undoes all the good engendered by the sledgehammer...
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