sticky indulgences

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Proud Parents if frazzled

This is going to be quite a week as it is the week of the girl's ballet school show. Sunday technical rehursal, Monday competition, Tuesday dress rehursal, performances Weds, Thurs, Fri and Sat! This means they will be getting to bed at about 11pm for the whole week - not a recipie for peace and harmonious relationships.
Went to see the show tonight with both my parents and Claire's and biased though I may be, my daughters both looked beautiful and did themselves proud. Esther was a little Chinese girl and Naomi a Flower (Nutcracker Act III). Esther had originally been down to carry a parasol, but this was swapped during rehursals for a fan when it was found that only her feet could be seen!
Naomi was entered for the competition on Monday and although we didn't have much preparation time, she still managed to come second in her class.
I'm such a proud parent!


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